Job sites are DEAD - Do this or get left behind

Job sites are DEAD - Do this or get left behind

Jan 27, 2021. By Admin

Google jobs has created a new wave in the mighty ocean!

Google has done it yet again! A brand new initiative that holds its head high amongst the crowd! Standing tall and majestically, Google Hire has now been proclaimed the ruler! Needless to say, its one smart move!

Job sites are Dead. Don't waste time posting your resume on job portals

Imagine converting the Applicant Tracking system into a public platform, user-friendly, with the added advantage of being able to pull data from career sites. Paid job sites and many more that are less known of but very much present in the market, are now taking a step back to witness and observe what the Mighty Google would do next, when it launches itself officially in the weeks to come. 
The call that Google Hire has given out, makes us wonder what the applicants and the employers would do, when Job portals, that were once the most happening place for anyone who is looking for a job or for an employer who is looking for fresh talent, are now redundant. Clearly dismissed! 
Now, with job sites being a memory from the past, how does one ensure that their CV’s are readily available when needed? To put in a simpler way, RECIEVING ADDITIONAL LOVE FROM GOOGLE ALWAYS A BUMPS YOU A NOTCH HIGHER THAN THE REST OUT THERE IN THE JOB MARKET!!! 

The solution – Create a CV that the search engines love! Create a Search engine optimized CV. It is in-fact the best way to ensure your CV is noticed by the large search engine! 

What if, your CV’s are Search Engine Optimized? What if, employers found your CV while surfing on Google?

Every time an employer punches in industry specific keywords, your CV will pop-up that makes it look like a personal website with all the details that an employer needs!

What if, your updated CV is readily available at the click of a button? 

The employer is attracted to contact details when it pops up clearly screaming, I am the one for you! Call me Now! 

What if, they are sourcing on LinkedIn and they find your profile with a QR code on it?

Naturally looks different and draws the attention of the employer, making them want to scan it just to see where it takes them! And when they land at your personal page with all the needed details, what would hold them back from downloading your CV and calling you for a discussion.

What if, we tell you, we can QR Code your CV and have it stashed away in our servers making it SEO friendly and it remains updated at all times? 
We at CVDesigner, create a QR Code for all our client’s irrespective of the service they avail from us. A QR Code creates a unique identity branding you as the owner of the niche skill sets you possess. Your CV is stored in our servers duly updated with the latest information and new skills acquired! We place the QR code on our clients LinkedIn banner, making it easily accessible! We insert the Qr code on both the CV and the LinkedIn Profile. Our clients CV's remain on our servers with the latest information keeping it up to date and streamlined with their current professional activities.  
We make industry specific CV’s and ensure that the profile is filled with rich industry specific key words, that search engines find easily detectable and highly accessible. 
If you wish to avail our services and create a CV that is Search Engine Optimized, the first one year comes to you as a value add with no cost attached and post which if you wish to 
continue, we charge INR 1000/- per year.
Call us now at +91 9941063601 to understand how we do it!  When you sign up with us, the first 6 months comes to you as a value add with no cost attached, irrespective of whether you buy a product from us or not! Post which we charge a nominal fee of Rs.1000/- for a year if you wish to continue! 


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