5 Tips To A Perfect Cover Letter That Will Get You Hired
Jan 27, 2021. By Admin
If you have been thinking that cover letters are useless, think again. The very email that you send to a prospective employer is actually a cover letter. It is unprofessional to send just your resume without a cover letter or a write-up in your email. And yes – hiring managers do read them!
That makes it one more reason to brush up your cover letter and score that extra point with a brilliantly written one. Below are five sure shot ideas to write a perfect cover letter.
1. Stop being generic:
How personal would you feel when you read a letter addressed to you with “Dear Sir / Madam” or “To whom it may concern”. These are a complete turn-off to the reader. Overcome this by a quick check on whom you are sending your resume, make use of LinkedIn or ask your network – They do help. In case they don’t, you could call the company and ask for it or research on their website to find the person. If none of these work, skip the greeting line and stick to a simple “Hi” or “Hello”.
2. Hit the target:
You get one opportunity to showcase your skills and talent. Use it carefully, present your skills to match the employer’s requirement. The company is not interested in your career objectives or your growth plan. They are looking for a clear indication on how you can be an asset and solve their problems. Ensure that you go through the job description in detail and correlate your skills to their need.
3. Showcase your achievements:
It’s all about marketing and creating a brand for yourself. Showcase every achievement that you feel will create a difference to the employer in their decision making. Be it overachieving your target or hitting the target consistently or doing the impossible. Give them more than one reason to have a look at your resume and call you for the interview.
4. Personalize:
Do not use templates available online where you change the name and contact details. Ensure that your cover letter reflects your personality. The bottom-line is that unless you show that you are serious about the position you are applying for, do not expect the employer to consider your application seriously.
5. Give it a thought:
The purpose of the cover letter is to sell – and in this case the product is you. The outcome of the cover letter is to trigger an action from the person whom its addressed to, which is to invite you for an interview. So, ensure that it contains the below:
- It gives a clear picture of your interest in the company and the position.
- It presents your skill-sets and it is in sync with the company’s requirement.
- It sets you apart from the average applicants.
- It clears certain ambiguities that may arise while going through your resume.
- It makes you unique.
When you have one opportunity to make an impression – Give it your best.
If you still find it hard to write that perfect cover letter – Our experts are just a call away
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